Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What's wrong with this god-forsaken European country?

So I've been driving throughout “Wallonia” (name for the Southern portion, French-speaking part of Belgium), where the only semblance of a craft store I can find is called ‘Ava’. It’s that rare thing in Europe: a chain. I felt like a real idiot, but I snuck some photos of the the store to show you, my imaginary reader(s).

So yeah, it’s pretty decent. But no appliqués, no lace, no yarn, no jewelry findings. Heck, I cannot even find heavy cardstock or apple barrel paints here for heaven sake’s.

I’ve gone up to several complete strangers in the store (thinking they were crafters, right?) asking if there were other craft stores. Nope. No luck. They all shared the same sentiment… “Il n’ya pas beacoup en Belgique”. That’s French for, ‘there isn’t much in Belgium’.

But grâce à Dieu, persistence paid off for me late in the day yesterday. I went to a different Ava in a town called ‘Messancy’ and happened to stumble across a friendly Frenchman. He tells me if I cross the border to France, I’ll find all the jewelry making items I need in an apparent crafter’s wonderland called ‘Cultura’.

So this morning had my decaf Earl Grey with soy and some toast with Nutella. Need to clean myself up…and I’m off to Cultura.

If anyone’s out there…care to join me?

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