Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parisian Vintage Boutique #2: Free P Star

Stop #2 was not far away, also in the 4th arrondissement:

8 Rue Ste Croix la Bretonnerie 75004, Paris

Sad to say folks, but it was more of the same. Small, small, small. Maybe it's better during a weekday and there's less foot traffic?

Honestly, you could barely get in the front door. It had the 3 racks, 2 narrow aisles, thing going like 'Coiffeur'.

This place was so low on space, they even had large, plastic trash bags filled with items SMACK DAB in the middle of those 2 precious walkways. (I was able to sneak a pic to show you what I mean.)

I don't know about you, but I just can't enjoy shopping having to A) dig through plastic trash bags B) share browsing a rack with 3-4 other people (yes, we're talking 1 rack to 4 plus people!) C) continually stop my browsing bliss to move aside so someone can get past me...

Not a winner for this girl.

On a positive note (because positivism is my middle name), there is a circular staircase that leads to a basement room of goods. I did have to wait for 5 or 6 people to mount the staircase before I could begin my descent, but once I did, there was only one other lady in the room with me. All the same, by that time, I was too worn out to dig.

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