Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Rose colored glasses

I am from the South. It never dawned on me that living in Europe would entail massive snow.

It's been snowing all week. Evidently it snows a good 3 months of the year here. Wow! Can anything else be less drastic for me at this point in my life? Okay, I'm trying to be positive and upbeat. I look back at my blog and see I'm a pessimistic little thing. Ugh. I didn't mean to become this person. I'd love to be someone that goes with the flow and sees everything peachy keen pink (the rose colored glasses thing). Did my infertility journey make me like this, or have I always been this way? It's hard to separate the two, the journey has been so long.

We are going on a weekend get-a-way to Paris this weekend. We're really psyched. Booked a nice hotel and a dinner show at the Moulin Rouge. I'll have to sneak some pics. I'm going to visit at least one vintage store, but I haven't researched which one, yet.

I've actually been tucked away all week, making (fabulous, if I do say so myself) pieces of jewelry. I'm working on getting those on Etsy today. Some necklaces I spent a good 6 hours a piece on (2 anthro inspired ones - now I see why they charge an arm and a leg for them!). The days have gone by so fast.

New dilemma revolves around the whole Etsy thing. I thought I would be able to have more anonymity, which is attractive for me, being that I'm writing this blog here where I'm divulging my most personal thoughts and feelings - things I really don't want people to know are coming from the real me. It makes it easier to write knowing people aren't able to connect to the 'real' person, you know what I mean? I'm afraid if I know my identity is revealed, I won't be as free to be as candid.

I don't want that.

I want this to be real, raw, unaffected.

I'm trying to avoid perfection for once in my life (unlike that 6-hour necklace). Contacting Etsy to have my real name removed from my store has been a real nightmare. Where are the real people behind the facade???

I emailed almost 2-weeks ago, and my name has yet to be removed. Not to mention, Paypal equally doesn't afford anonymity. Which begs to ask, is anonymity possible in 2010? I don't think so.

I stumbled upon a little hole-in-the-wall antique store in the town where I live. I've included a photo below (you can also see all that snow I mentioned...). I scored some fabulous vintage buttons. The owner even let me dig through her bag of buttons. I enjoyed myself. So many beautiful things with which to toy, caress between my fingers. The back of some of the buttons even say, 'Paris'. I wished they had said, "Bruxelles", but wishes don't always come true (I know, pessimist...)... I've managed to incorporate some of those finds in my jewelry. I'll take photos of that as well and include in the blog as soon as I'm able to set everything up. Setting up a store, taking pics, listing's not as easy as many make it seem to be!
Any tips on doing so (and strolling around with those rose colored glasses)...I'm all ears.

More pictures after the jump.

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