Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Cookin' up some good vibrations.

My hubby is away for work. I've felt so listless, barely the energy to move my little self from A to B.

I'm fighting it! I won't let this overcome me. Why I feel the need to broadcast these sentiments over the Internet is beyond me. Strange thing our society has become. We can talk to potentially millions we don't know, yet we can't get close to those right next door....

First I ate something healthy (like I said, gearing up for the next IVF)...that would be soy oatmeal with walnuts and blueberries; for lunch I actually consumed white beans (that I soaked all night beforehand) with steamed red beats. Miam.. (that's French for yum...)

I made a list of potentially excellent vintage stores in Bruxelles I am going to visit with you. A supposedly excellent flea market is included. That'll all be in the upcoming weeks.

So now I'm in the kitchen concocting beauty treatments that not only make me soft and smell de-lish, they keep my spirits high. Feist is playing a role, too.

In a bit I'll be off to acupuncture... Life dictated by a child I may never have. It's crazy how busy I can be not working...

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