Monday, November 29, 2010

Fear of 'missing the bus'?

So I had a weird dream last night. I often have intense, strange dreams that wake me up during the night. But I get up, and by the time I'm eating breakfast (yeah, the healthy stuff), they're so distant from conscious thought, it would no longer be appropriate to even call them memories.

This one stuck with me.

I was on my way to the airport with one other friend or family member (can't recall whom).

We were in some sort of airport shuttle bus. For whatever reason, my husband was in a different shuttle bus. We were all headed to Europe, so I needed my passport. Shortly after pulling away from the house, I realized that I had left mine behind. I began pleading with the bus driver to turn around and let me quickly run inside to retrieve it. My efforts were in vain. However, somehow this other friend or family member was able to convince the wretched woman to give me one, brief minute inside the house. If I wasn't back in one minute, she could leave me.

So I run inside quickly to the spot I was certain I had left it. It wasn't there. I swung around and searched another spot. Le voilà! I grabbed the blue and gold prize and out the door I was...only to see an empty spot where the bus had been. I darted around the corner as quickly as I could with legs that felt weighed a ton a piece. I managed to catch a glimpse of red break lights, just before the bus rounded the corner. No matter what I did, I could no longer move those 2-ton legs. I was stuck, with my goal, disappearing before my very eyes.

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