Friday, December 3, 2010


In America when we were feeling like we wanted to get away from the house and chill-out somewhere... maybe have a hot cocoa or latte (soy, decaf, triple shot...etc :))...we would of course hop on over to our local Starbuck's or Caribou.

Here in Europe, we just mozy on over to our local château. Oh yeah, you've got to love it! (Notice my choice to focus on the positive today?? :))

Instead of being annoyed by how rude people are... how no one holds the door open or helps you as you're struggling with multiple bags of groceries, rides your rear end as your traveling down the highway...I'm making a conscious effort to focus on the good...because there is good out there. In life, it's a choice on what we choose to concentrate on -- and I honestly believe makes a difference in how we feel, how we look, and our general health overall. Life can be good, if we focus on those things. There's always lots of shit out there to get us down. There'll always will be. It's time to let that go. Life's too short.

So where was I? We needed to get out of the house, so we popped in on our local chateau and sat in the library (complete with fireplace, leather sofa, antiques, awesome paintings...) and consumed a most excellent cup of hot cocoa. It was really nice. I think it's those little things that make life oh-so, excuse the pun, sweet.


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