Thursday, December 9, 2010

Parisian Vintage Boutique #1: Coiffeur

So while we were in Paris, my wonderful hubby agreed to a few crucial pitstops: vintage stores.

Besides, it was for a good cause...this blog.

So first stop was 'Coiffeur'. It's in the 4th arrondisement: 32 Rue des Rosiers, Paris 75004

Now let me back-up and admit something to the public out there. I am one picky lady. It is not easy to please me. It's just the way I've always been (when I was little my mother used to tell me I should have been born into a royal family). So that being said, you'll be getting the opinion of one hard to please lady. It's not that I'm unhappy with what I see; it just seldom 'wow's' me.

So that being said, Coiffeur did not impress me. Perhaps it was the freezing cold temps, but most likely, it was the fact that it was so small and crowded, you couldn't even step your pinky toe into the shop. (Just check out the pics). My husband, being the wise man he is, told me he would wait outside (in the freezing cold) while I pushed my way through the front door.

Yes, true, it is Paris, but there is literally enough room for 3 racks of clothes and 2 narrow walkways. Add 5 to 10 people to the mix, and folks, you've got a fire hazard. (Despite that, the store owner was thoughtful enough to include a dressing room - it's shown in the photo, just beneath that neon cube.)

From the quick tour I took before needing to escape for a breath of air (yes, A Bout de Souffle), I did see a large selection of leather purses and hats. Many lovely hats. One vintage green with feathers caught my eye, but it was too small for my 20th Century head. It would have been a steal for a mere 5 euros. Yes, my heart did ache, but I've stopped buying things that don't fit, just because they are pretty or for a good deal (most things, anyway)...

I would have taken a pic of the lovely, but I didn't have enough room to back up and get one in focus! There is, however, a wide shot of the pile.

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