Friday, December 17, 2010

IVF #3

So as it turns out, I'm not one of those girls. At least not this time anyway.
I'm going to have to head out for the hospital in a bit to draw blood and get my meds.

IVF #3. Oh yeah.

I think maybe my sixth or 7th treatment using injectables. That can't be good...

We're in a snow storm, so I'm going to have to take the train and hope I'm not stuck at the hospital. What's an IVF without a little extra dose of added-drama???

Meanwhile, I've been working on my baby skincare design. Here's the banner I've come up with so far:

What do you think? Feedback can't hurt.

I want something fun, playful -- with added design that many kids' products lack. Hygiene should be effective - but playful and aesthetic as well, non?

Probably no coincidence that I'm launching the baby line first. Self-inflicted torture or a positive, self-fulfilling prophecy? I hope the latter.

I have a story behind this project. I'll tell it one day.

I've been making baby balms, powders, lotions, lip sticks...and some jewelry.

For now, I leave you with what I used as inspiration.

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